Nagarathar Physicians Of North America
Non-Profit Organization EIN: 83-2131663
IRS 501C(3) Tax-Exempt Medical & Charitable Organization

Dr. Vairavan Ramesh L Velayudham
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, H Serdang
Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist
Visiting H Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang
Visiting MFM H Umra and Bukit Tinggi Medical Centre
Cover all Government Hospitals in Selangor State
MBBS (Madras University)
Diploma in Dermatology University of Wales Colleges of Medicine 1995
Member of Royal College of Obstetric and Gynaecology UK 2004
Fellow in Royal College of Obstetric and Gynaecology UK 2017
Maternal Fetal Medicine in Malaysia 2008-2010, in Australia 2011-2012
Area of Interest Prevention of Preterm Birth, Fetal therapy, Prevention of Perinatal and Maternal Death
Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecologist Serdang Hospital
MFM consultant for state of Selangor
Area of Interest is Fatal Cardiac Diagnosis and Treatment
Reducing Maternal and Perinatal Deaths