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Dr. Annapoornam Ramasamy BDS, MFDS (England)

Annamalai University, India

Postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics

Practice address : Tiew Dental clinic Puchong perdana, Semenyih and Kajang, Selangor

Professional experience (1997)

Worked Orthodontic private dental clinic for 3yrs

Teaching  in J.K.K Dental college in Endodontic department

Moved to Malaysia

Clinical attachment in University Malaya, Malaysia.

In Government service for about 7yrs

In Private practice with Tiew dental clinic for 10yrs

Personal background:

Native: Rayavaram

Kovil: Ilaiathangudi

Pirivu: Kinginikoorudaiyar

Spouse: Dr.Kulanthayan K.C Mani

Community Medicine

Faculty of Medical sciences

University putra Malaysia

Two Boys -Ashwin Subramaniam & Naveen Ramasamy

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